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Smaïl Kanouté

Brief info

Smaïl Kanouté se définit comme un artiste multiple. Diplômé de l’ENSAD il explore la sérigraphie, les arts visuels et la danse dans une démarche qu’il veut perméable à de nombreuses esthétiques. La quête renouvelée du motif est une constante dans son travail créatif.
Smaïl Kanouté is a multifaceted artist. Graduated from the ENSAD in Paris, he is both a graphic and silkscreen designer, a visual artist and a professional dancer. His numerous and diverse collaborations reflect his effervescent creativity. The definition of the motif is at the heart of his artistic search and generates each new production. His pictorial works and performances are therefore recognisable by expressive motifs which compose an alphabet, both modern and abstract. Smaïl belongs to a young generation currently renewing visual codes and aesthetics in all possible disciplines.

Vidéo Adama

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